
Shopify Apps

We build out functionality that Shopify doesn't have out of the box

We build out functionality that Shopify doesn't have out of the box. An example of this is Shopify doesn't currently allow its B2B portal to have more than one customer on a company so we could build an app to allow you to have as many as you want. Shopify also doesn't allow user permissions to share specific collections between specific users so we would build a custom app to allow this functionality between your team.

What makes us different?

We differ from your big agencies as we have the skill and ability to fill the gaps seamlessly.

We have years of Shopify experience

Our apps are built for speed, security and growth

There is no limit to the customisations, we wont force your business into the box we will build custom apps to work exactly how you need them to be. 

If there is something you've been thinking about but Shopify doesn't yet offer the option get in touch and we will make it happen.